Complaints Channel
HIDRAGRUP S.L., in its organization and management model, has enabled a complaints channel to have preventive effectiveness and enable the detection of acts or behaviors that could be contrary to the general or sectoral regulations that were applicable to it in accordance with the Penal Code, when it imposes “the obligation to report possible risks and breaches to the body in charge of monitoring the operation and observance of the prevention model”.
The complaints channel is open to all members of our Entity and third parties who may inform the Head of the complaints channel of the existence of any procedural and organisational weakness that may result in a criminal risk or the commission or omission of a criminal act.
HIDRAGRUP guarantees confidentiality, anonymity and the absence of reprisals of any kind against the person who has brought the facts to the attention. The data will be kept in the system only for the time necessary to ascertain the facts reported. In any case, three months after the entry of your personal data, our Entity will proceed to delete it from the system. If it is necessary to keep it for further research, our Entity may continue to process your data in a different environment that corresponds by law.
Complaints may be reported to the Head of the complaints channel by the following means:
1- By sending an e-mail with the subject line “complaints channel” to:
2- By means of the form enabled and sending the following information: “
– Name and surname (optional)
– DNI/NIE (optional)
– Address (optional)
– Zip Code (optional)
– Population (optional)
– Email (optional)
– Your relationship with the INTERNAL/EXTERNAL entity (required)
– Place of the event or conduct reported (mandatory)
– Reported act or conduct (required)
– Accompanying documentation (optional)
Rights and obligations of the communicator
The confidentiality of the identity of the informant will be guaranteed, and the investigations will not be disclosed to other employees or representatives of the companies.
However, such disclosure may be required by virtue of an investigation carried out by an authority such as the police, the Public Prosecutor’s Office, a judicial body or another competent authority.
In accordance with the principle of protection of the communicator, any type of retaliation, harassment or any other type of negative consequence against the communicator for the fact of the communication will not be tolerated, unless the internal investigation determines that the communication has been made with knowledge of its falsity or that it has been made with reckless disregard for the truth. bad faith or abuse of rights.
To safeguard the identity of these persons, the documents relating to the agreements adopted and published by the Commission shall not contain personal data or characteristics or other data that allow the identification of the persons making the corresponding query, request or information.
The communicator has the right to the confidentiality of the communications, information and complaints they provide, as well as to maintain their anonymity if they so wish.
The Responsible Person will protect the rights of the people who make use of this channel, without any harmful consequences for their personal or professional sphere arising from their communication, unless the communications are made with full knowledge of their falsity or recklessly disregarding the truth.
Likewise, the reporting party has the right to exercise the rights conferred on them by the legislation on the protection of personal data and will have the right to know the status of the processing of their complaint and the results of the proceedings.
The reporting party may report to the Independent Authority for the Protection of Whistleblowers, A.A.I., or to the corresponding regional authorities or bodies, of the commission of any actions or omissions of which they have reported on the internal channel of this company, either directly or after communication through the corresponding internal channel.
The reporting person must have reasonable or sufficient indications as to the accuracy of the information communicated, and generic communications, in bad faith or with abuse of rights may not be made.
They are obliged to describe in as much detail as possible the facts or conduct they report and must provide all available documentation on the situation described and, where appropriate, objective indications to obtain the evidence.
If the reporting person violates the principle of good faith or abuses the law, he or she may incur civil, criminal or administrative liability.