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The Valencian Institute of Business Competitiveness (IVACE) has benefited us with two grants for the certification of R+D+i projects.

Project title: Development of a new vacuum thermoforming technology for lining adhesive sheets with IR heating technology. (THERMOVACIR)

The grants are awarded within the “CERTIFICATION I+D+i (CERTIFICA-CV)” Program for the 2019 financial year, being distributed as follows:

File No.: IMACPA/2019/36

Awarded Subsidy Amount: €2,010.00

Project title: Design and development of a new electro-pneumatic press of more than 5Tn for bending the edges of large automotive parts. (EDEGEFOL5TN)

File No.: IMACPA/2019/37

Awarded Subsidy Amount: €2,010.00
