The continuous evolution of HIDRAGRUP towards the digitalization of the company and the advanced positioning with respect to our competitors, has led us to execute investments in devices and technology, investments that have been supported by IVACE through the project called “Digitalization of the company : promotion of teleworking”.
The teleworking modality, driven by the COVID 19 pandemic situation that we have been suffering for more than a year, allows us to continue with the usual activity, minimizing the risks of contagion and providing other advantages, among them, the conciliation of professional life and staff of our employees.
The project has been co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), within the framework of the ERDF Operational Program of the Valencian Community 2014/2020, within the DIGITALIZA-CV TELETRABAJO program in its 2020 call, with file number IMDIGB/2020 /70.